Nanny Cam / Puppy Cam
Ever wonder what is happening in the house when you are not home. In home surveillance cameras can be installed for a lot less than you would think. We can install up to 4 in home cameras that will be accessible from most devices that have internet access. Depending upon the make and model of your cell phone it may be possible to also access them from your phone. Rates vary depending upon the type of camera needed and network connection available in your home. *Please be aware there are certain State laws that pertain to which rooms can contain cameras for surveillance purposes.
Disaster Drive
In case of an emergency or natural disaster do you know where all the important documents are stored? Would you have time to gather them up and take them with you? Consider the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, people with nothing left but the clothes on their back. No documentation to prove who they were, no documentation to even be able to start the process of recovery. What if you could hold all your important papers and info on a secure device no bigger than a cigarette lighter? A device small enough to fit in your pocket, hang around your neck or to secure in a safe deposit box. This would be the Disaster Drive! The disaster drive is an encrypted waterproof flash drive onto which Peek Consulting will scan all your important papers. Things to consider including on your drive are but not limited to:
- Birth certificate
- Driver’s License
- Handgun Carry Permit
- Passport
- Bank Account Documents
- Social Security Card
- Marriage Certificate
- Voter Registration Card
- Medical/Dental Insurance Cards
- Health Information: Eye Glass Prescriptions, Pharmacy Prescriptions
- Medical Records you keep at home
- Vaccination Records
- Automobile Insurance Cards
- Home Owners Insurance Information
- Banking Information: Bank Name, Account numbers, Routing Numbers, Phone Number
- Credit Card Numbers and Contact Phone Numbers
- Family Pictures
- Wills and Power of Attorney
- Advance Directives (Do Not Resuscitate – DNR, etc.)
- Divorce and Custody Papers
- Restraining Order Papers
- Veteran/Discharge Papers
- Work Permits/Licenses
- Real Estate, Mortgage Documents or Rental Agreements
- Business Records
- A list of your Passwords and Account Numbers